Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Minutes, minutes and minutes

I do enjoy my one day a week at work, I really do - but once a month I do Wednesdays instead of Fridays to take minutes at 2 rather long meetings - and that was today. The only good thing is that I'm not back at work for 9 days now!!!!
It didn't help that I had a late night - totally my own fault. I had Singing Company practise and then went back to Kim's for a coffee and mint aero - yes I ate the whole thing and yes it was the large size too!!! We talked about.... well what didn't we discuss is probably the easier. I like my catch-up's with Kim, we both have a good winge and moan about stuff and also a fab girlie giggle!!! But I told her I wasn't staying late but didn't get in till gone 11!! Silly me!!!
Dunc is off for the next couple of days - tomorrow is Daisi's first Sports Day and boy is he Mr Competitive Dad!!! Whilst I spend hours making sure Daisi knows that it doesn't matter if she doesn't win it's the taking part - he has instilled in her that you have to win, or else!!!! Great!!!!! No doubt he'll be the annoying dad tomorrow that cheers louder than anyone else to the point that he embarrasses Daisi - but we'll see!!!!


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