Thursday, June 21, 2007

Sports Day Fun

Well thankfully it just about stayed dry for Daisi's sports day to carry on. It was a very tense time for a parent as she took part in a fun race and a flat race - the latter just being a normal run. As you can imagine I was the loudest mum there. Daisi came 3rd in the fun race and I think last in the flat race but she didn't seem to care - sorry Chris. She just loved the fact the we, especially Daddy, was there to cheer her on. Max attempted the toddler race but burst into tears when everyone started cheering so I carried him the rest of the way. I chickened out of the mothers race - there are way too many competitive mums about - but Dunc did us proud and won the daddy's race!!!! Daisi was so proud of her dad, she didn't care that she hadn't won!!!


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