Friday, November 03, 2006

I hate the playground!!!!!

Just when I finally thought the playground was again a fun place to be, it all changes. Before half term I actually enjoyed hanging around with all the mums before and after school. But yesterday I felt a bit on the naff side. I found out that some of the girls had gone out the other weekend - not that I would have gone with them, but I wasn't asked. And then it seems some of them have organised a mum's Christmas Dinner and again, I'm not invited. I know this will all sound extremely pathetic to most, especially guys, but this is what my blog is for, me to let off steam!!! I'm not forcing you to read it (Mr Hardwick!!!!) Anyway, its all bizarre, it's worse than actually being at school!!! I attempt to be friend with all, no taking sides, and believe me there are a lot of silly politics in the playground, but I've not let myself get drawn into them and just talked to everyone. Nothing I can do about it all I guess. Just frustrating as I've gotta put up with these people for 7 years!!!!!
Went to toddlers yesterday at the Baptist church around the corner, it's nice to be there with Max. I've stopped going to the toddlers at the Corps, partly petrol and travel time, partly cos it messes up Max's routine and partly cos I'm happy at the new toddlers. It's nice to go to the new toddlers and just spend time with Max. Got his first proper photo's back from toddlers, what a handsome fella!!!! Very cute indeed!!
It's now Friday and I'm not at work, now that's a nice feeling!!!!!!
PRAYER - Playground politics die down!!!!


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