Saturday, November 04, 2006

Remember! Remember... a day early

Well not much happened for the rest of yesterday or last night!!
We got up earlyish for a Saturday this morning and drove to Sunbury Court - Dunc was presenting something to the Territorial Advisory Council for all of 15 minutes!!! We went to the nearest big Tesco, bought the usual, hat for me (it's gonna be freezing tonight), sparkly shoes for Daisi and new stuff for the bathroom in chocolate brown!!!! Also, bad move, they had a Krispy Kreme stand and whilst I like to look after my figure, one just can't help!!!! I got a box of 12, but not all for me... read on. Picked Dunc up and went to see my brother, his Mrs and my nephew Elijah - hence the large box of Kripsy Kreme's!!! Lloyd has a very poorly knee and is having to use crutches - please no references to Her Flick of the Gestapo!!!!!! We shared doughnuts and eventually with Becks mum and dad, we shared lunch too. I checked my e-mails. Haven't worked out if this next bit proves someones point or I should just accept it and shut up... Since my rambling on the other day, I've had on comments or e-mails friends telling me not to change - however, they're all guys!!!!!!!! I shall just accept that not many girls read this!!!!
Came home, I went to bed and slept for 2 hours, feel a little queer - not in the biological sense!!! Have now woken and am doing this. Off to a firework display at my other brother Lyndon's rugby club soon. So I shall be wrapped up like an Eskimo and probably not match, please no fashion police in attendance!!!!! It'll be Max's first firework display - last year he was so ickle I kept him inside, it could be we end up in the rugby club house within 5 mins, ah well, the chores a mother has to do!!!!!!!
PRAYER - Lloyd's knee, he is to have surgery at the end of the month, but it must be tricky as they live in a maisonette kinda thing!!!!!


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