Monday, November 20, 2006

Have no fear - I'm back

OK, quick catch up - Dunc did a Youth Retreat for the youth of Derby Corps this weekend. It was in a fab posh hotel - The Palace - in Buxton so me and the kids tagged along. We didn't take part in his weekend as such, didn't want to interrupt the good stuff that was going on. We left Friday morning and returned late last night hence the lack of blog.
If you've been a regular reader (if not you'd better look back a couple of weeks to know what I'm going on about) you'll know the other week I struggled about who I was. In my morning daily reading thing this morning it was perfect for me. The verse was Proverbs 17v22 - "a cheerful heart is good medicine". It talked about having fun with others is all God's doing and that some people are just given the gift to have more fun than others - I'm taking that all for myself!!!! Not often I beam when I do my morning reading on the loo - best place to get peace and quiet and I never forget to do it!!!!
Think Max is teething, this weekend he has well and truly dribbled for Britain and I don't mean in a football way. Last night he woke at 3am screaming the place down - I guess we shouldn't complain as that's the first time in 15 1/2 months!!!!!! After a huge trump, he settled down!!!! He's being very clingy today - which is not really like him but in a bizarre way I am liking.
Met up with a new friend this weekend who has recently taken her husband back after he strayed a little. Think she is having a hard time from Corps folk who tell her she'd stupid. I told her that bottom line is, it's no-one else's business - she seemed very happy. Seems a shame that if she can forgive and forget, why can't Christian friends do the same.
Well, back home life is as usual - laundry, dishwasher etc!!!
PRAYER - For this new friend - that life becomes more comfortable for her.


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