Tuesday, November 21, 2006

How much???

Dunc has had this brainwave that between us, we'll make our own Christmas cake - he'll do the cake I'll ice and decorate. You would not believe the quantity and cost of making it!!!!! If around the 26th Dec there is a huge food poisoning scare in the Reigate area, that'll be us.
Yesterday - not much. School run, picked Dunc up from station, tea, kids to bed, Dunc was watching some weird movie, so I had bath, then Lemsip then Sudoko in bed!!!!!!
Singing Co practise tonight - major overload on Christmas stuff at the moment - we're singing at the Albert Hall next week and then we have our Corps usual concert at Fairfield. Most of the kids are fab, there are some very mischievous boys, we had to separate them last week - I don't understand them, we've even threatened that if they don't behave they might not sing at the Albert Hall - they just kept giggling. Boys!!!!!!
Ah well, back to laundry!!
PRAYER - for my ickle man Max, think he's teething but feeling proper poorly over it.


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