Friday, June 30, 2006

It's not all work, work, work!!!

My one day in work!!! Means instead of getting up at 7.20 and spending half the morning watching TV, I have to get up at 5.20 and work hard for the day!!! But I love it, my one day to by an adult, no cbeebies, no pasta shapes, no tantrums (well not many), I get to be me and not a mummy for one day - not that I dislike being a mummy, but it's nice to be Anita for a few hours. My work day was mainly filled with typing up 2 lots of minutes that I took over a week ago, so it really hurt my brain to remember it all, even with notes!!! It was my ickle friend Charlotte's birthday today so Darren Luff and myself took her to lunch at Nando's. Was nice to get out in the fresh city air!!!
Came home and took my mum and dad out for dinner, my mum looks after the kids when I work so we like to thank her every now and then by treating her. Not a huge treat to some I guess but, I think, she likes it.
Came home, put kids to bed and settled down for an evening of Big Brother - what was going on tonight. They put the most annoying housemate in another secret house, and put 5 new housemates in with her. Getting silly now.
I have felt very poorly today - aaahhhhh. I have a large lump still growing in the roof of my mouth causing pain when I bite, 4 ulcers in my mouth, pounding headache and one of the glands under my chin is swollen - it's almost worse than childbirth - or maybe that was just easier cos of the gas and air!!! Have doped myself up on strong painkillers and am about to attack the ulcers with mouth gel stuff. Don't worry - I'll be ok!!!!
PRAYER - Tomorrow Ira Thomas heads up a day of workshops etc on worship over at Staines. I pray this day goes well for all involved, including my friend Gemma.


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