Monday, January 22, 2007

Life of a ID WAG!!!!!

I am now living the life of an International Development WAG - me and Emily Mingay, as Dunc and Graeme are in China. It's the first time he's been away since we moved so night times are not nice as I hear sounds I've never heard before - I'd got used to the sounds in the old house. Never mind, it's only for 2 weeks - we've done a lot worse before!!!
Weekend was ok - we spent most of saturday doing lots of family things together, Dunc didn't go till Sat night. We picked up from NEXT, 2 child seat things for the back of bikes. But when Dunc tried to fit one on my bike, it just wouldn't work - waste of time that was. Sunday was ok - went to mum and dads for lunch.
One good thing with Dunc away, I can watch Celebrity Big Brother without all his sarcastic comments!!!! Lets just say he can't stand reality TV!!!!!
Well nothing major planned today, Daisi's at school and once I've picked her up, I teach my nephew piano - then baths for the kids and then silence and tv for me!!!!
Ah well, as I said, the life of an ID WAG!!!!!!!


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