Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Manic Mondays - not really

OK, so I had the blood test and then ate a nice big breakfast of weightwatchers bagels and coffee.

Nothing of any great excitement yesterday - bit of a pain, put some laundry out, was busy in the house and hadn't noticed the torrential rain, the laundry is still outside and probably still wet - yuk!!!

Daisi had tea at a friends so that means a nice lazy afternoon with Max.

Nice surprise in the evening, Dunc came home - he was supposed to be in Bath overnight - always nicer to have him home.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Tired Bunny

I have a glucose test this morning - I have been having throat infections for a month now and they think it might be connected with Diabetes (my dad has this I had gestational diabetes with Max). So I have the test this morning and doctors appointment on Wednesday.

For the test I have to fast for 12 hours, so from 9 last night I could not have food or drink. Normally fairly easy - but with a very sore throat and cough, it was a killer last night, I just wanted a throat sweet or drink of water, so I came down to sit on the sofa at about 3am, think I did doze off at 4!!!!!!

I'll sleep well tonight

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I decided that I've really missed this little outlet - a place for me to jsut chatter away to whoever cares to read!!!!!!

I haven't blogged for over a year - TUT TUT TUT

In that time, short version...

Holidays to Florida and Spain
Dunc got a new job
I got a VW Beetle
Max started nursery
I turned 35 (!?!?!?!?)
Another Christmas
etc etc

Sad times for family members last October
Happy times for brother-in-law Chris who got engaged

So this year ... few weddings, perhaps a holiday

Max starts BIG school in September, I'm sure you'll hear a heck of a lot about that soon

And in May Daisi will be enrolled as a Junior Solider (an SA thing)

So that's the short version - bet you're glad I didn't give the long version!!!!