Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Can someone help???

Previously, you could only add a comment to my blog if you had your own blog - I think I've tried to change it. So can someone who doesn't have their own blog please attempt to add a comment, to see if it works - thank you!!

How blonde can I get!!!

Well past few days ok - Singing Co ok last night but me big disaster happened yesterday lunchtime. I stupidly managed to hair straighten my earlobe!!!! I was straightening my hair, and happened to notice the little old lady who lives next door coming up the street. I watched her to make sure she was ok and in doing that managed to put the straightners on my ear and not the hair - it flipping hurts!!!!! It now looks yukky and stings, it's fine as I have long hair to cover it up but Sunday, with my hair up for uniform, it's gonna look nasty and scabby. Only I could manage that!!!!
That aside - things are ok, severely fed up, want Dunc home, but other than that - ok.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Flipping BA

OK, since my last post I've got stressed with Tesco and BA.
Tesco were supposed to deliver my month's worth of shopping on Thursday night - the driver called at 9pm and was sitting outside my old house!!!!! Due to us being in a different delivery area, I did not get my food till late Friday night, and was there anything to compensate me for my trouble - NO!!!!!
BA, due to the possibility of strikes Dunc's flight this Saturday was cancelled - the strikes haven't even happened but the flight is still cancelled. Thankfully Dunc's travel guy has got seats reserved on a Virgin flight!!!!
Friday at work was good - had to take minutes in the afternoon for a board that I knew nothing about and half the board members didn't turn up to anyway!!!! Then in the evening Emily Mingay - the other ID WAG that's been left behind - came over for dinner. It was lovely just to have someone to talk to! And she's a BB Fan!!
Saturday - Daisi went for her first kick-boxing class. My brother Lyndon took her there and back - it's his girlfriend who teaches the class. She loved it and showed me her moves when she got home. Then after a quick lunch we went to the hall for Joe - Daisi's cousin - birthday party. We then stayed the night at Dunc's sisters - Ali - we had a Chinese takeaway too.
Sunday, Army in the morning - it was Homelessness Sunday, I took the Singing Co and they were fab, we sang People Need the Lord - nearly made me cry. Then I was at the Parkhouse's for lunch. So all in all we were very well looked after this weekend.
Back to evenings alone this week - on no Big Brother!!!!!! Other than read, Johnny, what am I supposed to do!!! Might have a few early nights - yeah right!!!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Another question

Big Brother Viewers Only!!!!!! So, if you were to nominate this week, who would it be???

Mine would be Dirk and Jo

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Random Question

You are having dinner with a magician and he tells you that because you cooked such a lovely meal he will tell you the secrets of how to do one, and only one, magic trick... which one do you ask him to divulge?????

It's snow business

Unlike most, I hate snow. I admit it's lovely to look at but not nice when you have to get a 5 year old to school. Today, for the first time ever, I drove in the snow - not nice. Bit slippy. I was sad too as Daisi wanted to make a snowman and Dunc wasn't about to help her. So all wrapped up with numerous layers we finally made it to school.
Yesterday was a little manic - Daisi has gone up a class at ballet which means a change of day. So I picked her and her school friend Carla up, raced to ballet, tried to entertain Max for the 45 mins duration, took Carla home and then treated the kids to a heart attack in a box, or more commonly known as a McDonalds!!! Once we were home we only had 20 mins before I had to rush off to Singing Co. Still that's the hectic day over with.
Duncan sent some flowers today too, not necessary but very very nice.
Anyway, Daisi was hoping to do the Snowman thing after school but it's all melted!!! So she won't be too happy. Can't please everyone I guess.
Well, back to hum drum life.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Life of a ID WAG!!!!!

I am now living the life of an International Development WAG - me and Emily Mingay, as Dunc and Graeme are in China. It's the first time he's been away since we moved so night times are not nice as I hear sounds I've never heard before - I'd got used to the sounds in the old house. Never mind, it's only for 2 weeks - we've done a lot worse before!!!
Weekend was ok - we spent most of saturday doing lots of family things together, Dunc didn't go till Sat night. We picked up from NEXT, 2 child seat things for the back of bikes. But when Dunc tried to fit one on my bike, it just wouldn't work - waste of time that was. Sunday was ok - went to mum and dads for lunch.
One good thing with Dunc away, I can watch Celebrity Big Brother without all his sarcastic comments!!!! Lets just say he can't stand reality TV!!!!!
Well nothing major planned today, Daisi's at school and once I've picked her up, I teach my nephew piano - then baths for the kids and then silence and tv for me!!!!
Ah well, as I said, the life of an ID WAG!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Bless them...

Last night was Singing Co practise, I only took one song but they did so well with it. At the end of the month in the Army world it is Homelessness Sunday, so I'm taking them singing People Need the Lord - I think very apt for that subject. I led it years ago so a lot of the little ones didn't know it but they sang it so well. Why is it that some children, who really are nothing but pains in the rear end, can then open their mouths and sing so beautifully that it makes you want to cry.
Normally after singing co I have to race home as Dunc and Darren play squash at 9pm, but they weren't playing this week so I went back to Kim's for coffee. I'd like to say we chatted but it was more that I chatted and she listened, but I guess that's what friends are for, sorry Kim.
Got to bed very late and for some reason I couldn't sleep. So everything I've ever thought about came through my head, not a clue what time I really got to sleep. Early night tonight, which is fine as Dunc is out. He goes away to Hong Kong and China on Saturday for two weeks, don't like it when he goes away but am kinda used to is. Just have to do lots of things to make the time go quickly.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Lego Church

Pinched this off my brother and trying to be clever!!!! If you like lego and you like church, you'll love this

Do not panic

My earlier post - I was just blowing off steam. I'm sorry if I worried anyone - my stress is just a silly girlie thing that is just lots of things bottled up. Have no fear, Croydon has not lost me!!!!

Nice weekend indeed

Friday night - Dunc and I had a date. My parents had Daisi and Max Friday and Saturday night due to us going to a wedding on Sat, so we took the opportunity and had a curry and then watched the bond movie. I am now well and truly in love with Daniel Craig, he can sit with me in the shower any day. I'd seen his picture before and not thought all that much, but seeing him in action, and fab blue eyes!!!
Sat - After a small lie in, I had a hair cut!!!! Haven't had that in over a year as I was growing my hair, just had some shape put into it, forget out expensive it is!!! Then me, Dunc, Taff and Nicky headed up to Northampton to the wedding of Louise Purkiss to Garryl Willis - absolutely fantastic day. It was sooooo good to see 2 people so definitely in love and especially Lou. We had a good time at the reception as the people on our table were all good fun. We were named the noisy table by most - well, you gotta have a laugh every now and then. Lou looked stunning, as did all the bridal party.
Sunday - Army in the morning, home, ironing for 3 hours!!!!!!!!!!!! Max helped Dunc wash the car today - you can see the bits that Max did, very dirty still but he had a whale of a time. Later on my brother Lyndon and his girlfriend Lisa came round and we got a Chinese take-away - haven't done that in ages.
Yesterday morning at the Army, it was commitment Sunday - and I will hold my hands up and admit, I hate that day. Can't really explain why but I always end up quietly weeping in the meeting, feeling guilty about whether I am committed enough or not. Does God look down on me and smile or would he rather I was doing a little more. I know I am not the worlds best Christian, at the moment I have one particular issue I really need to deal with, the only person that's getting stressed by it is me, and no-one can really change it - can't really give details, but some of my friends may suss it out. My New Year's resolution was not to feel so stressed about this situation but even before the end of Jan 1st I'd blown that!!! I guess we are only human, but I do keep praying that I'll calm down a little on it - failing that, I'll have to change corps - extreme resort and will never ever happen. Yes I know - I'm a drama queen - but just trying to dump some of this onto whoever gives a monkeys!!!!
Anyway - Monday... school run, laundry etc - usual day!!!!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Just for you Julian!!!

Here is the world famous cake - its was supposed to have beautiful piping all over, don't think I put enough icing sugar in and it just splurged everywhere, so it became this. I think Delia's job is safe!!!!!

Nice word exchange

OK here's today bit of fun!!! If you can be bothered, leave a comment with one nice word that you feel describes me best. Here's the exchange bit, you leave one for me I will respond with one for you!!! Come on, what have you got to lose????

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

JB tagged me

On checking friends blogs, I believe a gauntlet has been thrown to me by Johny Laird to share 5 things you don't know about me... thing is I'm quite an open, sharing person so this could be tricky...
1) I would love to be a children's tv presenter - or the LINK DVD presenter!
2) I would love to be in the ISS or ISB but Dunc would kill me if I did either
3) I once peed my pants waiting for my mum and dad at a parents night at school - and I'm talking senior school here
4) A couple of times I have been a very very bad girl - I've ordered an outfit from NEXT, worn it to a wedding, then taken it back the next day
5) When I was training to be a nurse, I was in on a minor op and fainted - I blame the face mask, it made me very very hot.
So JB, I've done it.
So I now tag...
Julian Bright
Darren Luff
Ian Wilson
Kate Hardwick
Duncan Parker - he doesn't read my blog so that'll never happen!!!!

My little girl is 5!!!!!

Today is Daisi's fifth birthday!!! Makes me feel scared - am I responsible enough to have a child of five - I think not!! She's had 2 party's - one on Saturday for family and close friends and one yesterday for all school friends. Today after ballet we'll take her somewhere nice for tea - she wants McDonalds!!! She got tonnes of lovely pressies - in the main they were all pink!! Our mantlepiece is now adorned with lots of pink cards, she's a very lucky girl indeed.
Daisi started back at school last week and has got straight back into the swing of things. Max was a little bewildered last Thursday, he kept walking around looking for Daisi and Daddy. Sorry mate, you're just stuck with me.
Am looking forward to the wedding I'm attending on Sat, two people so very very much in love.
Not much else really.
You got any New Years Resolutions??? I've already broken mine!!!!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I blame Duncan

Until looking at the date of my last blog, I hadn't realised that I hadn't blogged in a long while. And then I sussed, Dunc was off work from the 15th, for some subconscious reason I don't blog when Dunc is around - there may be some hidden meaning in that.
Anyway, do not fear, I am not gonna attempt to recap every single day - just highlights.
On the 16th I had a hen night to go to in Northampton for Louise Purkiss - fab night. She had made all her family and bridesmaids swear that they would not do anything - what she didn't bank on was her sister asking me to take over where she was not permitted!!!! Therefore, fun games were played, willie shaped items, edible and otherwise, were presented to the most definitely blushing bride-to-be and we all wore purple pants over our jeans at the restaurant - a brilliant idea I thought, until I realised upon arriving at the restaurant that it was a buffet style Chinese, so we all had to show our pants many times!!!! Anyway, it was a fab fun night, sadly a few of her mates pulled out at the last minute, very poor if you ask me, but all I could say to Louise was - the important ones are here!!!! She marries Garryl Willis on the 13th Jan - I shall be there, swinging my purple pants and all - not whilst wearing them I might add!!!
We Parkers shopped and did the usual prep for Christmas Day etc. And yes for those deeply concerned, I finally iced the cake - final thing was not as it was meant to be but was ok. Photo will follow.
Christmas Day was spent at Dunc's sisters with all his family and Boxing Day was at ours with all mine. Kids had lots of lovely pressie''s from Santa, as did mummy and daddy!!! I got a nice dark pink bike, the idea being for us to go on family bike rides, but we've yet to buy Dunc one.
27th Dec my usual trip to the Next Sale - however, normally I go at 5am, and am in and out in an hour, decided this year as I was taking my sister-in-law Becky for her first venture, we would go a little later - HUGE MISTAKE. Shopped for about 30 mins and then queued for almost 2 and a half hours to pay!!! I got what I wanted thought - jeans in my new slimmer size of...... like I'm gonna tell you!!!! and a dress for Louise's wedding.
New Years Eve we went over to Taff and Nicky's with the Luff's and the Lairds, this year there was also Janet's family and the Starlings. Bit busy and hectic and noisy but still fab fun with friends. New Years Day we went on our cell groups walk - our area of outside the M25 people, have started a walking group instead of a sit down cell group, others can come, so we had a lovely walk and even walked past the venue that we had our wedding reception at!
So today - tree and decorations came down, car went in for a service and my laundry duties recommenced. Dunc starts back at work tomorrow and Daisi back at school. With Daisi's 5th birthday next week, we are having a little family thing for her on Saturday and so begins another cake saga!!!! Last year I had to make a huge cake - Snow White asleep on a bed - major trauma to me!!! Tonight she's told me she wants Rapunzel marrying Prince Stefan - fat chance!!!
Well, I am back. I'll do better in this year - 2007.
New Years Resolution - always break them but need to keep calm about certain situations in my life, close friends will know what I'm on about. Lots of deep breathing - perhaps I need to bike ride those stresses away.