Thursday, August 10, 2006


What a day. I woke up with no worries. Intended to just have a good day packing things up.
I called mum about something this morning and she asked if I'd seen the news - of course with either CBeebies or Willy Wonka's chocolate factory movie on I don't get to see normal tv. She filled me in on the stuff. I panicked a little, first time really I've got upset about Dunc being away and something bad happening. So I sat with the laptop and various news website and felt a little calmer as the risk was on UK to USA flights and not the other way. But then my thoughts were that of concern as Dunc is due to fly back tomorrow night landing sat morning. I texted him, think it was about 6am there, he eventually called and told me to keep calm. I think I have!! He's called tonight to say his flight has been cancelled but he has managed to get the last seat on an earlier flight. This has to be confirmed at noon their time tomorrow, so hopefully he'll get back ok.
Next palava, house move may not happen on Monday. Due to some admin delay on the remortgage of our buyer, we still haven't exchanged. Our solicitors said that we could exchange and complete on the same day on Monday, but Duncan is very very worried about this. He is concerned that if we load up the lorry etc, and then money doesn't get transferred we will have to unload the lorry and start again another day. I spoke to him tonight, I have to call the solicitors and our buyer tomorrow and talk about exchanging on Monday and completing and moving on Tuesday. I can see what he's saying, it's just a bummer seeing as friends have totally changed plans to help us move, so boys you may get to play golf yet!!!!!
Other than that it was an ok day. Offered my tiara from my wedding to be very very good friend Louise, as she got engaged to Garryl and they are due to marry in January. I won't be offended if she says no, just found it the other day when packing and thought I'd offer it as a 'something old and borrowed', old - it's nine years old, is that old???
Anyway, work tomorrow so I should have been in bed hours ago, but can't miss BB!!!
PRAYER - selfish one, that the house stuff will sort itself out and that Dunc will come home to us safely.


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