Wednesday, July 19, 2006

My skin has been leaking!!!!!

I think actually it's called sweating but it's yukky. Daisi, Max and myself have pretty much stayed in the living room all day as it's the only room I can keep cool. In the afternoon my kitchen floor gets so hot, it burns your feet - I just wanna move.
After dropping Daisi at nursery I went to toddlers, Max kept yawning so I thought I'd got him out of foot painting - but he didn't sleep so Kim attacked him with orange and purple paint - it all came off!!!! Today he has learned to copy the words uh-oh!!! He finds it very funny when in his high chair to have a drink of water and then chuck it on the floor, when mummy tries to show that she is not happy by saying uh-oh, he just laughs and says it back - I've got no hope of disciplining him!!!
Started packing for TMS today - thought I'd better as we're out tomorrow night for a farewell meal for Chris.
PRAYER - As thankful as I am for beautiful weather God, could you just turn it down a smidge!!!


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