Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Another brother update

He's now back here, as in my home. He is perched on the sofa in pain but doing ok!!!

Brother update

the op went well and hopefully, after I've called the ward at 1, I should be able to go and get him.
Becks and I went to visit him last night, we had a good laugh - a Lloyd's expense. He was so out of it but every now and then would open his eyes and say really random comments. We left early as it was pointless sitting there!!!!
Becks took photo's of him in this state, the other guys in the ward were laughing and the nurse said she thought that was cruel, Becky's response was - look he has pictures of me an hour after giving birth, this is payback!! So watch this space, photo's will follow - nothing yukky!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Flipping NHS!!!

I sit her today at my little brother Lloyd's PC. Last night, after Lloyd and Becks had dropped Elijah at ours, I returned here to spend the night with them. At 7 this morning I was at Ashford Hospital with Lloyd, he is, as I type (or possibly they've finished), having reconstruction surgery on his right knee. I sat with him for the morning, dull but ok times. Nice to sit and chat about anything and everything with him. Occasionally he would play on his borrowed PSP thingy and I would do some more Suduko.
But... why tell him to get there at 7am and not eat, when he wasn't scheduled till the afternoon!!! He got taken about 12.45ish so I'm guessing they should be done now and they'll call some time soon. Why is Becks not doing this you ask - as a teacher they do not give her time of for stuff like this, so she is in her classroom with mobile in hand awaiting any texts!!
We should be able to pop back and see him later.
He should be out be lunch time tomorrow, or there abouts, and then he's coming to stay with me for a few days: we have toilets on both floors, Lloyd and Becks have steep narrow stairs in a maisonette down to the stairs, plus for the reason I've already said, Becks would still be at work. But it's half term next week so she will soon resume the role of Florence Nightingale.
Pray for Lloyd, for healing.
Pray for my mum who is looking after all 3 kids - she didn't want to sit with her 'little' boy - too upsetting!!!!!!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Morbid question - but one we do need to think about

What song/songs would you have at your funeral? Or music?

I want my coffin walked into Pavane.
I want everyone sobbing.
Have all my girl friends sing together something soppy
And then finish with ' I did it my way'.

Be warned, your answers may be noted down and used when the time comes!!!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Parker 4

Here is my and my family - aren't we so photogenic - I taught them all I know from my SP&S Supermodelling days!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I'm all Facebook'd out

Sorry, have had no time for blogging today as I'm ever so slightly hooked on Facebook. It's my first day and I've got 51 friends!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Want to drive yourself potty???

Try this, Dunc's sister has it on her blog and it's making me go mad. One of those games that annoys you but you want to finish it!!! Enjoy!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2007


This is my 100th blog!!!!!!!! Not bad for a housewife!!!!!

Well to mark the occasion, I'll make you giggle. Some time last year we went to a nearby park/lake with the Luff's, it was very muddy and Max didn't understand the phrase 'be careful', this was the outcome...


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Fab weekend, few apologies

Am finally feeling a little more human after returning from Sunny Southport and ROOTS. This year I saw a whole different side of ROOTS as I worked as Admin Centre Team Manager No. 2. I absolutelytootly loved it. Very very very tiring, not so much because it was manic, there were manic times, but more just late nights - Sunday night I didn't leave the office till half past midnight trying to find on the internet a helicopter to take Phil Wall to London - don't ask!!!!! I worked with lots of people who I knew to say hello to but it's safe to say I think they now know the real me.
Apologies - firstly, if she reads this, I apologise to Mel Reynolds. Dunc has worked with her and I read and comment on her blog. I mentioned to Dunc it will be nice to meet bloggers but apparently she came to find me and I completely dissed her, even put my hand up in her face - I'M SO SORRY MEL, we had to wear the radio earpiece at all times, I can only assume that someone was requesting something in my ear, which then turns all radio wearers into glazed over idiots!!!! I never saw her for the rest of the weekend, so I still haven't met her.
And my other apology is to those in the office who heard my constant belching!!! I belch like a man, so Dunc says, and I did it quite a bit, I did try and explain that they should feel honoured as I only do it when I feel comfortable with the surrounding people.
Anyway, home now, shattered, glad to be with the kids again - missed them sooooooooooooo much. It was nice to spend a little time with my ickle brother and his Mrs, without us having kids around.
Anyway, Max is napping, so I might too!!!!!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Don't cry, do not ye be upset...

... but I'm off to ROOTS in the morning so will not be blogging until next Tuesday. Be strong, have courage, you will survive!!!!!

My daughters trauma!!!!!!

OK, so I'm not the artist I make out to be, and Lloyd would be mortified at my art attempts, but as I don't have a camera here I wanted to share with all those who read this my daughters injuries. It wasn't quite as bad as I was expecting as the school had phoned me, but she does have a very graze around her eye - see naff diagram. She seems to be ok with a bump on the head too!!!! Lovely for ballet!!!!!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Not again!!!

I had a phone call this morning from Daisi's school. For the 3rd time since she started school, she has again fallen over in playground. The last 2 times she ended up with a nasty fat lip. Today the phone call was to warn me about the huge graze starting above her eyebrow and going right down her cheek - they didn't want me to be shocked when I pick her up!!!!! Great!! And she has ballet today - that's gonna look great!!!! At least the graze will match her burgundy leotard!!!!
I'm getting my head around the plans for the weekend - ROOTS. An Army event held in Southport. We are leaving the kids here with my parents, it's less stressful for us as we are both working and it's not really fair on the kids, dumping them with whoever walks past. We're driving up on Thursday and coming home Monday nightish. This year I am part of the Admin Team in the Office - looking forward to it although slightly afraid of the unknown. Fab thing is I get to see friends like Lynsey and Neil who otherwise I only really get to see at TMS. Hopefully I'll get into some of the main sessions, perhaps see my brother and his wife paint during a service, great talent they have, obviously Lloyd got his from me!!!!!
Singing Co practise tonight, so another hour of shouting and shhhhhhing, and then I'm popping to Kim's for a night of stupid talk and eating mint aero - my favourite chocolate in the world, well that and Caramac!!!
Dad spoke to my Auntie today who is doing ok, she gets transferred to the other hospital on Thursday for the angiogram and then the Doctors will make a decision.