Friday, August 25, 2006

I'm back - kinda

OK, excuses - we moved last Tuesday(15th) and have no internet connection at home, and due to flipping NTL, we won't have for another 6 weeks, so I'll only be able to blog on a Friday.
Move went fab, thanks to the muscles of Darren!!!!!! Dunc and Dazza loaded the lorry and mum and I hoovered and cleaned each room before shutting the door. I, as always, shed some tears at the end, sentimental person that I am, was sad as that's where we brought Max home from hospital to!!!!!
Anyway, got to new house and absolutely love it. Pretty much unpacked by the weekend and feel like we've been there for ages. It's lovely to have the Luffs and the Motts so close, Helen and Darren plus the boys have dropped in for coffee, as has my brother Lyndon and his girlfriend Lisa who live in Horley - I love that people can just drop in. The Condon's only live 20 mins away now and it only took Becky, my sister in law, 25 mins the other day too, so it's easier for everyone except Dunc's parents I think!
Daisi and Max have both settled brilliantly into their new home and we have lovely neighbours.
We had the Croydon gang round for supper on Sat night - Luffs, Davies/Kings/Wilsons and Lairds. Felt nice to fit everyone in!! And we're all meeting up on Monday too!!
So, I'll blog again next Friday!!!!
PRAYER - huge thanks for our lovely home and friends who helped us move - thanks Dazza!!!!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

He's back!!!!

Dunc is back safe and sound. He managed to get on an earlier flight, which was then delayed for 2 hours but he's finally back. Jetlagged and went to bed early but glad to be back. So after he returned, we had lunch, took the kids swimming and went to his parents for tea.
Not long now till we move, fingers crossed.
PRAYERS - sorry selfish one again. Huge prayers needed to make sure our buyers remortgage money transfers on Monday so we can move on Tuesday, or I'm gonna flip my lid!!!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Stress day

OK lots of stuff, probably nothing major to anyone else but me!!!!
Work today - twas ok, no-one in. This afternoon I finally got Dean Jones to help me with the Singing Co song I've written, it's now on his pc in manuscript form. I think he just has to tidy the notes up and add the words, how excited was I doing that!!!! Also ALOVE called me today, I offered my services at ROOTS next year in their office and they asked today if with another girl, I would be the office manager, her and I doing shifts!!!! Get me, I'll have a radio and everything, better remember to turn it off in the loo!!!!
Dunc - I believe he is right now on a plane. He called about 8ish to say he had to put his mobile in the main luggage too, so unless I heard from him, he would be on a plane home. I've just checked the arrivals at Heathrow and his flight is not yet showing, so I'll check first thing in the morning.
House stuff - I spoke to our buyer and our solicitors. Basically the buyers money from his remortgage still hasn't been transferred and until that happens we cannot exchange and ultimately cannot complete or move GGGGGGGGRRRRRRRR. He keeps apologising, poor guy, it's not actually his fault. So fingers crossed if the money is transferred, we will exchange on Monday and complete and move on Tuesday. Bit of a pain as 2 of our helpers will now not be able to help!!!! So it's just Dunc and Darren now!!!
Other than that and ironing and big brother and mum staying for tea and Daisi having a temperature, nothing much happened today!!
PRAYER - keep Dunc safe on the journey home, we need him here!!!

Thursday, August 10, 2006


What a day. I woke up with no worries. Intended to just have a good day packing things up.
I called mum about something this morning and she asked if I'd seen the news - of course with either CBeebies or Willy Wonka's chocolate factory movie on I don't get to see normal tv. She filled me in on the stuff. I panicked a little, first time really I've got upset about Dunc being away and something bad happening. So I sat with the laptop and various news website and felt a little calmer as the risk was on UK to USA flights and not the other way. But then my thoughts were that of concern as Dunc is due to fly back tomorrow night landing sat morning. I texted him, think it was about 6am there, he eventually called and told me to keep calm. I think I have!! He's called tonight to say his flight has been cancelled but he has managed to get the last seat on an earlier flight. This has to be confirmed at noon their time tomorrow, so hopefully he'll get back ok.
Next palava, house move may not happen on Monday. Due to some admin delay on the remortgage of our buyer, we still haven't exchanged. Our solicitors said that we could exchange and complete on the same day on Monday, but Duncan is very very worried about this. He is concerned that if we load up the lorry etc, and then money doesn't get transferred we will have to unload the lorry and start again another day. I spoke to him tonight, I have to call the solicitors and our buyer tomorrow and talk about exchanging on Monday and completing and moving on Tuesday. I can see what he's saying, it's just a bummer seeing as friends have totally changed plans to help us move, so boys you may get to play golf yet!!!!!
Other than that it was an ok day. Offered my tiara from my wedding to be very very good friend Louise, as she got engaged to Garryl and they are due to marry in January. I won't be offended if she says no, just found it the other day when packing and thought I'd offer it as a 'something old and borrowed', old - it's nine years old, is that old???
Anyway, work tomorrow so I should have been in bed hours ago, but can't miss BB!!!
PRAYER - selfish one, that the house stuff will sort itself out and that Dunc will come home to us safely.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Laptop trouble again

Sorry for nothing yesterday - I went to type up the days events and the laptop was frozen so in true IT fashion I just turned it off!!
Yesterday was nice. In 1997 I started a 3 year accountancy course at Croydon College, and every week I sat next to a girl called Tracy. The course therefore ended in 2000 and we've kept in brief contact with the occasional text and e-mail with family news. But yesterday I went to visit her. She is now married with a lovely little girl called Megan and of course she had not yet met Daisi and Max. So that was really nice. Nothing much else during the day, except ironing and the big brother 'twist' night!!!
Today, sat in all day waiting for a NEXT delivery which still hasn't arrived - not a happy bunny. Mum came over in the afternoon and then early evening Kim with Elliot and Samuel came over. Haven't seen her in ages so it was fun to catch up. Always have a laugh with her.
Dunc texted to say he'd spoken to the solicitors and it still looks ok to move on Monday but that will be confirmed tomorrow!!!
PRAYER - just checked my e-mails and had a nice one from Chris, so prayers tonight for him and the team he's with. He said he's fit and healthy but some of the others are struggling.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Busy day!!

Well, get me - busy day!!!
Got up, we had breakfast. We got dressed and went to our new house to measure the windows. Wanted to see if some of our wooden blinds will fit in our new bedroom, must have privacy!!! Can't believe we'll be in there next week!!!
Then went to visit Helen. Joshua was asleep the whole time we were there but we got to see and play with Ruben. Max seemed quite fascinated with the baby. He needs to chat with his dad I think!!!!! Drove round the corner from Helens to see Daisi's new school. Bad mother that I am, we went for a late lunch to McD's!!!! Then popped in to Denise Parkhouse's. Her mum has taken in my uniform for me as I've lost so much weight!!!!! Came home. We all had a nap. All woke, had tea. Kids went to bed a bit late. Just finished watching big brother and now bed. And John, I'm not sure admitting you watch the discovery channel is anything to be proud of!!! Ya nerd!!!
PRAYER - Keep Chris, Dunc's brother safe, as he does as years apprenticeship for IHQ and is currently in Kenya

Sunday, August 06, 2006

He's away again!!!

You'd think after all these years off Dunc going away I'd be used to it, and I guess I am, but I'd still prefer him to be here.
Friday, not at work. Back still sore, getting better but still sore. After lunch Becky and her sister plus the 3 boys came over to look after my two while I nipped into Croydon to pick up Dunc's lenses - the fun life of a housewife. The walk round town killed my back causing me to feel really crappy about moving and not doing much packing!!! Dunc came home and then packed tonnes. I spent the evening - while watching the double eviction on Big Brother - typing up all the companies ie gas, phone ... that we need to contact to tell of change of address. Sat and typed up all the phone numbers and account numbers to go with them, so it won't be to much of a faff at the end of the week.
Saturday - Dunc got up early to do a tip run, and then he packed pretty much from 8am till 11pm. I took the kids to mum and dads in the afternoon to get out of his way. Then spent the evening ironing, a job I thought would kill my back but actually whilst ironing I felt no pain at all!!!!! Dunc therefore feels I have a bad back cos I hadn't ironed for a while - cheeky beggar.
Today, got up very early to take Dunc to Heathrow - he is now in Washington DC till Saturday. Came home. Think Max is cutting 3 teeth so calpolled him up and he had a 2.5 hour nap. Went to mum and dads for lunch and the rest of the day. Came home at about 8.30 tonight, kids went straight to sleep and I watched Big Brother!!!!!
PRAYER - As always, keep Dunc safe while he is away from us, cos both me and the kids love him with all our hearts!!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I'M BACK!!!!

And be warned, this will be a long one!!!
Well lots to tell.
TMS - Fantastic week. A feel invigorated spiritually, mentally, not quite physically, socially, adulty - as in no nappies, nothing else!!! I had a great week. Highlights - spending more time talking to the students, almost falling off a chair very publicly at the Wednesday night festival - and yes sadly there is video footage. No low points really. Got to spend the week with 2 fab girls, Ruth and Lynsey, beautiful women, inside and out.
Last weekend - came home from TMS early as it was Max's 1st birthday party on Saturday - again nice time with family and close friends. He got lots of nice pressie's and money.
Sunday was his birthday, can't believe it's a year. Dunc got up very early to do a car boot sale to clear out half of the junk in our loft. Our new house doesn't have a loft as such as it's been converted into a bedroom, so bummer on storage but good for getting rid of junk.
This week, on Saturday night I was helping Dunc get all the stuff out the loft and I have trapped a nerve at the bottom of my spine. This has happened numerous times before. If you really really wanna know why, just ask and I'll tell you. So Monday and Tuesday I'm afraid the kids were confined to the living room as I couldn't go chasing round the house. We found out on Tuesday that we move on the 14th, which is good is its soon but not good as all the Croydon gang were playing golf or shopping in Kettering. So we miss out on that but also miss out on the valid support of our pals who had all offered to help. I've told Dunc to ask nicely and perhaps, seeing as they all have the day off anyway, they might postpone the golf!!! Also, my 2 brothers and Dunc's brother-in-law are all unavailable, so that leaves, me, Dunc, Dunc's dad and my mum for moving!!!!!! My Dad, as he did last time, is going to take Daisi and Max to Godstone Farm for the day to make it easier!! Dunc goes to Washington DC this Sunday until the 12th so it's a little tight but he has pretty much packed the whole house up already. It's only really every day things left.
Yesterday - had work. Was actually good for my back as I could just sit and the heaviest thing I lifted was a file, not Max!!! Poor thing, I had to practically drop him into his cot each nap time as I couldn't bend into the cot.
Today - Janet, Mia and Noah came round to drop of Max's pressie. We went to McDonalds for lunch so the girls could play in the soft play area. Dunc is out at a Summer School tonight and I just attempted to highlight my hair with one of those kits, lets just say I'm glad no-one will see me for a bit, some of them went a bit blonder than I expected and even though I did it to the roots, it doesn't look like it - never mind, it's not hideous!!!!
Other than all that, not much has happened really!!!!
It was great to be me last week but I did really miss the kids and Duncan. It's nice to be back with them this week, just wish I could play more with them without wincing in pain!!!
Hope anyone reading this hasn't missed me too much, never really know if anyone except Darren and Jonny read this!!!!!
PRAYER - for all the students and staff at TMS, that they took something from last week that may change them in some way.