Well I had work on Friday, followed by Daisi's school disco - I'm a member of the PTA, how ancient does that make me sound, so I go to help.
Sat morning Daisi had her first swimming lesson, I was so proud of her, she was fantastic, and I nearly boo-
hoo'd at the side of the pool. Next Sat Dunc is working, yet again, so I shall be taking Max in the other end of the teaching pool - the joys of motherhood.
The rest of Saturday was spent visiting people.
Sunday, Army - I got myself worked up, same thing I always do, and if you wanna know, read back over the months of my blog -
HAHA that's a challenge. I just need God's help BIG time to keep calm and try and ignore the things that stress me, one shouldn't be stressed in church.
Then back to ours with mum, dad and Lyndon for lunch. Dunc and I then went to Lyndon's new house to help painting.
Daisi off at school today and I've got Elijah for the day so Lloyd can help Lyndon paint - obviously he must be better than me, I'm only good for glossing as it's apparently a girls job!!
Friday - one of my best friends Kate's dad passed away. He was being treated for a huge mass on his kidney. He was a fantastic friendly guy who always seemed happy, so please pray for their family as they deal with this loss. Today is Kate's daughter Alice's 3rd birthday - but Grandad would have wanted everything to go on as normal. Still hard though.
Other news, Lloyd (my
ickle brother) and his wife Becky and son Elijah are soon off to sunnier climates. They found out last week that Lloyd's work visa had finally been approved to go and work in the USA, just near
Orlanda for a Christian magazine Relevant. So they go off at the end of the summer. It's one of those bits of news when you're both happy and sad - over the moon happy for them, it'll be a great experience, but boo-
hoo sad as anything that they'll be so far away. I'm sad that I'll miss some of Elijah growing up. Hopefully, thanks to
SKYPE, we'll still see them regularly and we've already started looking at flights to go out - but again, prayers for them all.