Friday, June 30, 2006

It's not all work, work, work!!!

My one day in work!!! Means instead of getting up at 7.20 and spending half the morning watching TV, I have to get up at 5.20 and work hard for the day!!! But I love it, my one day to by an adult, no cbeebies, no pasta shapes, no tantrums (well not many), I get to be me and not a mummy for one day - not that I dislike being a mummy, but it's nice to be Anita for a few hours. My work day was mainly filled with typing up 2 lots of minutes that I took over a week ago, so it really hurt my brain to remember it all, even with notes!!! It was my ickle friend Charlotte's birthday today so Darren Luff and myself took her to lunch at Nando's. Was nice to get out in the fresh city air!!!
Came home and took my mum and dad out for dinner, my mum looks after the kids when I work so we like to thank her every now and then by treating her. Not a huge treat to some I guess but, I think, she likes it.
Came home, put kids to bed and settled down for an evening of Big Brother - what was going on tonight. They put the most annoying housemate in another secret house, and put 5 new housemates in with her. Getting silly now.
I have felt very poorly today - aaahhhhh. I have a large lump still growing in the roof of my mouth causing pain when I bite, 4 ulcers in my mouth, pounding headache and one of the glands under my chin is swollen - it's almost worse than childbirth - or maybe that was just easier cos of the gas and air!!! Have doped myself up on strong painkillers and am about to attack the ulcers with mouth gel stuff. Don't worry - I'll be ok!!!!
PRAYER - Tomorrow Ira Thomas heads up a day of workshops etc on worship over at Staines. I pray this day goes well for all involved, including my friend Gemma.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Tonight Mathew, I'm going to be a checkout girl!!!

Usual morning - I know by now it seems pretty boring. Although I did spend another morning sobbing - watched another rerun of Holby City and this time one of the staff had to give birth at 8 months and lost the baby. Lovely day outside - we stayed in!!!
Cooked my speciality tonight - Lasagna, Daisi's favourite.
Once kids in bed, popped to the hall to pick up a golf bag from Daz, for Dunc to borrow, and then popped to Asda for an ickle bit of shopping. HAVE to go to Asda now as it has self scan check outs!!!! Feel like a proper checkout girl now!!!! Love it.
My phone seems to be playing up a little today. At 5.30 got 3 texts one after the other that were all sent about 3pm. And then at the hall, my friend Kim said she'd texted yesterday, this morning and this afternoon and I haven't got any of them. Me no like!!
PRAYER - My friend Debbie went on holiday to Dubai today without her hubby and kids, so I pray she has a fantastic time, and doesn't worry about the kids too much, and the Phil, Jennifer and Jack all manage just fine while she's gone.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Me - a composer!!??!!

Much of a nothing day, usual day with kids. Ironing in the evening when kids were in bed. Spent this afternoon thinking about song words. Way back in February I wrote a song, I guessed aimed at our Singing Company. At that time, and until about last week it was just dots on paper. I had played it to a couple of people but that was it. Last week I took it into work and played it to one of the guys in the music dept, Dean - a fab composer himself, and he seemed to like it, either that or he is a great actor. So it inspired me to get on with it. I have now written the chorus and two verses. I have also kinda worked on the chord stuff for the piano part. So I shall take it all back in this Friday and beg Dean for further help. How exciting.
Big news of the day... as I was outside the front door with Max and Daisi, waiting for daddy to come home from work, I noticed that the sign outside our house that has said 'for sale' for such a long time now says 'sold' - scarey how the estate agents managed to do it without me noticing - I must have been truly engrossed in CBeebies at the time!!!
PRAYER - Dunc bumped into an old friend of ours round the corner, Andrea, who told us that her mother-in-law passed away last week, so I pray for Paul and all the family, and for Andrea who has made all the funeral arrangements for the family.

For mum's

My friend Denise sent me this on text, I've sent it to some of my friends who are mum's but thought I'd stick it on here too...
A mum is Gods love in action. She looks with her heart and feels with her eyes. A mum is the bank where her children deposit all their worries and hurt. A mum is the cement that keeps her family together and her love lasts a lifetime.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Usual day - which Miriam, yes is a bit of a doddle!!! Young man came round to quote from a removal company, we've always done it ourselves but it seems it may not cost much more than hiring a van ourselves and paying our friends in fish and chips!!
Singing Company tonight, always fun and stressful at the same time.
Went to IKEA after to meet my friend Shirley for a coffee, haven't seen her in a while so it was fab to catch up. Also had a look at the Malm bedroom stuff as I think Dunc might be letting me get some for our new house, in fairness the bed and mattress we have were not brand new, we bought them off friends, the one bedside table we have was mine in my first flat and is therefore 13 years old and the 2 ikea sets of drawers we have are so full and bursting that they don't quiet slide in and out properly!!! Anyway, saw the stuff and like it even more now. Just wanna get in to the new house. For anyone reading who I have not filled in yet, we have now both sold our house and found a new one in posh leafy Reigate, not sure our area is quite the poshest but it's nicer than here!!! As there's only three of us in the chain, it should be within the next month!!!! Housewarming may be the same day as Max's 1st birthday party!!!
PRAYER - Shirley is a childminder who currently only has after-school-kids and really needs more daytime kids to pay her mortgage. I pray that someone's little darlings will turn up soon for her.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Photos, photos, photos

Usual day. Daisi to nursery, laundry, TV, get Daisi from nursery, spend afternoon in as its raining.
Tonight Dunc and I have spent 2 hours sorting through an extremely large box out of the loft of all our photo's, we thought we'd get started now before the move day comes. We have had a good laugh at how people have changed, in particular us. When we first met 12 years ago, we were both a heck of a lot skinnier and had tonnes more hair!!! But don't you hate looking back at things and not having a clue who the people are any more. In the summer of 95 we both did USA camps, Dunc was in Florida on Camp Keystone and I was in New Jersey on Star Lake, and except for a handful of people I spent time with, I cannot remember anyone's names, it's almost like it wasn't me that was there. Must be my age, ducky!!!!!
PRAYER - For a while there has been some really yukky stuff happening at Croydon, people involved will know what I'm talking about. It seems to have stopped so my prayer is big time that it stays that way. It has already hurt and upset too many people.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Sunday is for Fellowship

Fab day! Dunc was on Premier Radio this morning, have to admit I did not hear it as I was running around trying to get me, Daisi and Max ready. Army - ok. The we had a bbq for both Dunc's birthday and the England match - partakers were... Luffs x 4, Wilsons x 2.5, Watkins x 2, Lairds x 4, Kinsleys x 3 and Taff and Nicky. Lots of fun, food and fellowship had by all. I know I am a mere female but I did sit through the England game, and was bored senseless by it. Was saddened by poor ickle Beckham puking on the pitch but he did make a married woman happy by eventually taking his shirt off!!!!!! After everyone had gone and the kids were in bed, Dunc and I sat through what we thought was the series finale of 24 - only to get to the end to find out there is one more episode. It's one of those programs I wish we weren't into, but we are, only one week left!!!
PRAYER - The kids at the Army today went up to town and did the open air, giving out leaflets about next Saturday - we have Jim Bailey - a Christian Kids entertainer kinda thing. So a prayer that the leaflets and connections made today bring some of the Croydon people to the Army next week.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Lazy Day

For the first time in a long long while we had the laziest Saturday!! We had my nephew Elijah for the day, had a humorous moment... Daisi and Elijah both had their all in one long swimsuit things on as they were playing in the paddling pool. Elijah went to play in the conservatory for a while and I could hear him saying dirty - I thought he was making a complaint about my dusting skills. But when I got up to check he was ok he had actually done 2 poohs, somehow fished them out of his suit with both hands and had placed them on the new rug!!!!! Bless!! A few wet wipes and one bath later he was as good as new. Glad he felt at home enough to do it, although his mum said he's never done it before - I feel so special!!!!
Anyway, all 3 kids ate well and played nicely. Max is at such a fab age, both Dunc and I have commented today on how much fun it is spending time with him at the moment. Dunc and I took it in turns to drift in and out of sleep sunbathing on the grass, even went out with just my bikini on - don't care what the neighbours think, we've sold the house now!!!!!
Dunc has just informed me that he won't be going to Army with us in the morning as he is appearing on a Premier Radio show at 8am!!!!! So tune in if you read this in time.
PRAYER - For my friend Ruth - she is the strongest woman I know, and am proud that I managed to get her to the Army last Saturday night - long long story. Pray that this amazing woman keeps strong through the coming weeks. Love you Ruth.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Chips and Egg!

I usually work on a Friday, but as I worked Wednesday, I didn't work today - nice feeling. Good day with kids. My friend Kim came over this morning for coffee and some of my very crunchy birthday cake!!!! As always we drink coffee and put the world to rights!!! Dunc's family came over tonight as a birthday celebration and he got his favourite meal - chips and eggs. Most of us would call it egg and chips but he never has.
PRAYER - Some of my friends at work are running the Generate Conference this weekend (Adult and Family Minstries Unit), so pray that the organisation etc and background work has paid off and the weekend goes smoothly for the ladies.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Happy Birfday Duncan!!!!!

Today was Duncan's 32nd birthday - yes I am an older woman, only by 6 months. His day started with gift giving. Max bought him some funky shorts, Daisi bought him a nice t-shirt. And then, the clever bit I think, all my family clubbed together and we bought Duncan items from his departments gift catalogue (see for fab gift ideas). We got him, well I say him, these items have been bought on his behalf for people in a developing country; a peanut machine, 2 fruit trees, a bee hive, a bee suit, a bee smoker and training to be a bee keeper. This was as he had requested. Not what I would have liked to buy but he loved it, I think!! He then went into work late - he is the boss!!!!
I spent my usual morning watching either Holby City on UK Gold or Big Brother Live (yes I am sad) on E4. Once I'd picked Daisi up from nursery we went to Redhill to see my friend Helen who 2 weeks ago gave birth to her second child Ruben George. Daisi and Joshua, Helen's other child played nicely and Max ate dinner and then slept.
Came home, popped a cake in the oven for Dunc, he came home made tea. The kids are now in bed and we are going to treat ourselves to a Pay Per View movie!!!!! I think a good day had by all.
PRAYER - of thanks today. Helen and I were talking about how very very lucky and blessed we both feel to have two happy, healthy and downright goregous children, so a prayer of thanks for all children and blessed parents.

Lova ya Lloyd

Huge thanks to my ickle brother who, in his words not mine, has pimped up my blog a little, I'm glad I passed on all my creative skills to you!!!

Morbid thoughts

I have just watched another re-run of Holby City on UK Gold - it's how I fill my mornings. On it one of the team was trapped in a car and told that when they removed the dashboard there was a chance he would die. He sat with his friend and said his sorry's and goodbye's. Morbidly, it made me think, if I was in that situation and only had 2 minutes to say what I wanted, what exactly would I say??


Whilst drifting off to the land of nod last night, feeling very chuffed with myself for setting up my own blog, I decided that every day I will add on something of a prayer request. Please please just send up a little one to Him upstairs as you read it - many thanks

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Day 1 in the Big Sis House

At work today, only do one day a week for the Salvation Army and normally it is a Friday - but I had to take minutes for 2 lots of meetings, why are they so boring??? Duncan's birthday tomorrow - I feel I have been particularly clever with his pressie - will tell more tomorrow!!!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Get me!

Get me on my own blog thingy!!! I can cook (kinda), clean, wash, iron, gave birth twice and now I'm gonna try my hand at this thing - total inspiration from my ickle brother Lloyd - thank you. Everyone knows that us mums sit on our backsides and do nothing all day, so I have plenty of time to think about stuff! I'm sure it won't be as exciting as some, but it may be worth the occasional glance!!!!