Friday, July 21, 2006

Jayne has gone!!!!!!

Still too flipping hot. Work today. Very very busy - so the day went quick. New shredder!!!!! Work was good.
Came home, mum had taken the kids back to hers. I packed up my stuff, the kids stuff and then into the car. Drove to mum and dad's. Made a load of door name things for TMS, I like to be organised!!!!!
Did my nails, and enjoyed Big Brother as Jayne was evicted.
Off to TMS in the morning so I'm afraid there won't be any blogging for a week.
PRAYER - For all the kids coming to TMS, I pray that it will be a special week for them and that they'll be closer to God, just as I hope to be this week to.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Hot... and now the fan busts

We have had an oscillating tower fan in the living room or in my bedroom at night. This started to squeak like a loud squeaky mouse this afternoon. I carefully took it apart and think it just needs an oiling. However, as Dunc has started packing stuff up, I cannot find the WD40, therefore I am roasting. I hardly slept at all last night due to the heat, and that was with the fan on full blast - no hope for tonight.
Usual day. Went out to the Harvester with Dunc's family today for a farewell meal for his brother Chris. Sometimes, especially when Dunc is away, I swear it's easier just to stay in and never go out with two kids. I felt a little evil tonight. Daisi hardly touched her meal so I said she couldn't have the ice cream that went with it. Everyone else sat and ate puddings. She cried at first but I gave her pen and paper and she calmed down. When everyone's desserts came I thought she'd be an nightmare but, bless her, she didn't even ask for any. Point one to mummy!!!
PRAYER - for Chris as he embarks on this year long apprenticeship. Prayer for physical strength and health and traveling 'mercies'.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

My skin has been leaking!!!!!

I think actually it's called sweating but it's yukky. Daisi, Max and myself have pretty much stayed in the living room all day as it's the only room I can keep cool. In the afternoon my kitchen floor gets so hot, it burns your feet - I just wanna move.
After dropping Daisi at nursery I went to toddlers, Max kept yawning so I thought I'd got him out of foot painting - but he didn't sleep so Kim attacked him with orange and purple paint - it all came off!!!! Today he has learned to copy the words uh-oh!!! He finds it very funny when in his high chair to have a drink of water and then chuck it on the floor, when mummy tries to show that she is not happy by saying uh-oh, he just laughs and says it back - I've got no hope of disciplining him!!!
Started packing for TMS today - thought I'd better as we're out tomorrow night for a farewell meal for Chris.
PRAYER - As thankful as I am for beautiful weather God, could you just turn it down a smidge!!!


Once again last night - the laptop went stupid, so I'm typing up a little late!!
Yesterday. Flipping hot!!!!!! Daisi had nursery. Then we had some lunch and then met mum in Croydon for some TMS shopping. Just fun things like shampoo, conditioner and shower gel - yes I do have some here but if I take them to TMS there'll be nothing for Dunc when he gets back!!
Mum then stayed and looked after the kids while I went out for a singing company locals meeting, at Pizza Express - nice night out. Dad took over the babysitting when mum went to Songsters.
I heard today that yesterday Keira Jane Allcock was born to Joanne and Lee, I knew she was going in for a c-section but hadn't heard any more. CONGRATS to them all.
Spoke to Dunc last night, he still finds it dull - sorry John - but he says the networking is great, it's a non-Army conference so he's making lots of good contacts.
I'll write more later - as long as the laptop decides to play nice!!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Stupid laptop

I think this laptop suffers from the heat - it seems sometimes, if the day has been hot, the laptop plays up at night and won't let me blog.
Well, yesterday wasn't much anyway. Daisi at nursery, Monday is my laundry day. Sad as this sounds its very satisfying in this weather to empty three laundry bins, get it all washed, dried and then ironed in the evening!!! Sad mother I know!!!
Other than that, not much at all. Dunc called in the evening, when I asked if he was enjoying the conference he said he's actually bored!!!
Asda delilvery last night too - not too much. As we're hoping to move in the next few weeks we have been eating all the rubbish you always leave at the back of cupboards or freezers - but we really don't have much left other than a tin of chick peas and some frozen prawns!!!!
I was texting my Auntie last night - Lauren and Ross went back to school yesterday and apparently it wasn't too bad, both of their teachers had explained to the other kids what had happened and told them not to ask questions. I can remember in my first year of senior school, one of the girls in my class, Jo Conrad, lost her mum and the teachers did pretty much the same. My cousin Donna, who worked with her sister Debbie, has not yet returned to work, that will be hard as there will be an empty desk that may need clearing.
PRAYER - That Dunc enjoys the conference a bit more and that Donna has the strength needed when she returns to work/

Sunday, July 16, 2006

I promise to be better at this

OK, well, I said I wasn't blogging on Thursday night, couldn't bring myself to do it Friday or Saturday, so it'll be a biggie now!!!!
Friday - my cousins funeral - absolutely horrendous. We met all the others at my Auntie's house - nice in one sense as I haven't seen them all for so long. Met Lauren and Ross, my cousins 2 kids, who both were looking very brave. Dunc and I went with mum and dad to the chapel at the cemetery ahead of the family, as dad was doing the service and needed to check everything was ok. Eventually a beautiful black carriage driven by two black horses arrived with the coffin, followed by the rest of the family. That was tough enough. But then Lauren, bless her, broke down - totally understandable for an 11 year old who's looking at her mum's coffin. I don't think any women there had dry eyes. The service was ok, dad did really well and kept it together for everyone, I don't know how as he was stood facing his sister and her family all sobbing. Then we went to the graveside. Afterwards I went to my nan's grave - she died when I was living in America and I've never got back to see her. I suddenly felt so bad when I got there that I hadn't come back for the funeral, and also that I don't see the family very much. I've already decided that in a few weeks I'll take Max and Daisi to see them all. All in all although it was nice to see the family, it was a horrid day.
Having said that, in the evening it was Chris's (Dunc's brothers) farewell party - he is doing an apprenticeship with IHQ for a year, around the world.
Saturday was a Parker family day, tomorrow is Mike and Joans 35th wedding anniversary so we went to a Lake for the day and picnic'd etc. Very hot and very nice.
Had to take Dunc to Heathrow in the evening for his trip to Brazil so all in all a very emotional couple of days.
Today - Army, came home on my own with the kids and that was it. Dunc called to say he'd got to the hotel safely and all was well.
PRAYER - Keep Duncan safe and look after him and us while he's away. Nearly every time he goes away the kids are ill, someone suggested once it's the devil attacking - so if it is, pray for him to clear off and leave us be!!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Why so late, BB?

Not much today. Max and I went to Toddlers - have not been seen middle of May. Twas OK but Max misses his 9.30 nap so is not really in the mood to play!! Mum came over for lunch. Kids both napped in the afternoon while I did some more laundry. Ironed it all tonight and have just sat up past my bed time cos Big Brother was on later.
I won't be blogging tomorrow night. We are all staying the night at Dunc's parents. Dunc's mum is looking after Daisi and Max on Friday while we go to my cousins funeral. Don't know what to wear to a funeral - sadly the only funerals I've been to, I've worn uniform!!!!! Black, black and black I guess.
PRAYER - Sorry, still my family.Sorting out a funeral when you're 11 for your mum cannot be easy.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Back on track

OK, back to my regular daily ramble!!
Day ok, Daisi at nursery, laundry done and dried. Singing Company tonight - I took the whole practise as Denise, the leader, is in Falmouth for a family funeral. Went ok, thankfully it was the last one before the summer so we only did 3 songs and then gave the kids Mars ice cream bars.
New I omitted from yesterdays catch up - I am now on staff for Territorial Music School, which starts on the 22nd of this month. Someone dropped out at the last minute and although I cannot be around for the final day due to it being Max's birthday party, I'm going. It's my one week out of 52 to get re-charged in every way. Plus I get to spend a week with 2 very very special friends - Ruth and Lynsey.
Got the news today the Debbie's funeral is on Friday at 11am, my dad is conducting it. Last night in her prayers with her daddy, Daisi prayed that mummy's cousin would come back to life. She prayed that again tonight and I ha to explain that it was only Jesus that came back to life after dieing. She said well he'll just have to make you another cousin!! Bless her!!
PRAYER - my family as they get through this week. And my ickle brother Lloyd, who is poorly with Glandular Fever.

Monday, July 10, 2006


My laptop has been playing up but suddenly seems to be ok - so that's the excuse for the lack of blogging. Lots happened since I last blogged.
Bad news for our family. My cousin Debbie passed away in the early hours of Saturday morning. They had said they were going to leave the machine on till this week just to see what happened, but by Friday afternoon they said her head was physically exploding - sorry, bit nasty. They turned them off around 2.30pm. Tragic. When there's death its often the time me faith gets rocky, with the bog old WHY? question, but one of the Commissioners at the Corps yesterday said 'there are times in life when there is just no point asking why' - I'm gonna try and take that on board because I won't get an answer anyway. The funeral is possibly this week and they have asked my dad to do it, a task no uncle wants to have to do on a niece who he dedicated. The hardest thing for everyone I guess is watching Lauren and Ross. Lauren has decided that mummy liked Robbie Williams so he'll be singing at the wedding - via CD I mean.
Saturday was also emotional as we took a roadtrip up to Duncan's grandparents. His grandad on his mum's side has had parkinsons for years and has now been told he has prostate cancer, he has said he doesn't want any treatment. So we went to see them, they haven't yet seen Max. He was the thinnest I've every seen him, but in himself he was good, laughing and telling his jokes as he used to. When I first married Dunc and was ill with ME, grandad would send me letters that just contained jokes to cheer me up. When we left as I hugged him he started to cry, that's tough to see that, but I soon joked back and got him smiling.
We then went to see the other grandparents. Grandad Smith was clearing out his brothers house, which belonged to the family so again there was upset.
Sunday for me was tough, spent most of the morning meeting crying, I hate having leaky eyes.
PRAYER - lots. For my family as they get through this tragedy. For my dad as he prepares to do the funeral. For Grandad Brailsford, that he keeps chirpy. For Grandad Smith, that the clearing out of the house isn't too hard for him.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Aren't newborns cute!!!

Bizarre weather today. Poured it down over night, which as we all know is good for the grass!! Daisi went to nursery. I had an appointment with the nurse, who among other things, checked my mouth. Said 'oh my, yuk, that looks awful' and suggested a dental appointment!!!
Later this afternoon we went over to the Luffs, to spend an evening with them. Little Ruben is adorable and coming on nicely. Joshua seems to like playing with Daisi and Max, which is good news as we will soon be right round the corner from them. Helen is doing brilliantly and Darren has a stinky backside!!!!! They fed us and we had a nice evening - thank you Luffs!!! On leaving their's we decided to drive by the new house, as we did, we noticed the woman who we are buying the place off was just opening the door. We stopped to say hello and being the friendly woman that she is, she invited us into our new home. Unexpected by nice. Was good to look around again, as I've actually only seen it once!!! We met the neighbours on one side who specialise in BBQ's!!! Came home happy and content with the place still.
News on my cousin, well they tried to wake her last night but as they did another artery in the brain bled so they had to sedate her again. Apparently the bleed the other day was in a place near the surface and could be 'plugged' up but this second one is much further in and too dangerous to get to. The bottom line is if she makes it through she may have lost memory, may be physically disabled, mentally disabled or possibly all three. My other cousin, Donna, has requested temporary custody of the kids.
PRAYER - so again a prayer for them all. Pray that the doctors and nurses do their utmost best to bring her through this safely. I know she would not want to be left as a 'vegetable' (sorry if that phrase offends anyone)

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Life is short - like it or not

Duff day really. Daisi had nursery. I felt rougher than I have done yet. Twas just tooooooo hot. And madame Daisi and her attitude did not help - yes she is only four and a half. I love her to bits but she well and truly knows how to wind me up - I seem to repeat the same thing over and over every day, if felt like all I did today with her was shout. Sometimes as a mum, you just need a break - a week away - fat chance!!!!!!
Had some sad family news. My cousin (my dad's sisters daughter) Debbie, who is only a few years older than man, and who has an 11 year old daughter and 8 year old boy, collapsed at work today. They rushed her to hospital and have said she had a brain haemorage and it's not looking good. Dad has called again tonight to say they did a scan and have told my Auntie to bring the 2 kids in tonight. I think they might wake Debbie up and turn off the machines and see what happens. What a way to go - not really being able to say your goodbyes, especially to 2 young children. She probably got up this morning and went to work as usual not for one minute knowing what the outcome of today might be. Sorry, a bit morbid I know, but unfortunately as today has shown, that is life.
PRAYER - I think it's an obvious one. Pray for Debbie and that somehow she pulls through this. Pray for the kids, this is gonna be a hellish week whatever happens. Pray for my Auntie, that she is strong for the family.

Monday, July 03, 2006

I got gum boils!!!!!

Got up a little later this morning as Daisi didn't have nursery - we're not actually sure why, we just know the place was to be closed today. Called my doctors bang on 9am, and as usual asked for an appointment - next one is in three weeks!!!!!!! So as I often do, I asked for a doctor to call me back, it seems to be the only way to get help. She called back very soon after and decided I have gum boils!!!! It's a very viral strain of infection in my mouth, which my body then reacts to with all the ulcers etc!!! So an hour later I picked up a 5 day course of penicillin. Hopefully that'll help cos I'm fed up with the pain!!!
Anyway, other than that had a nice day with the kids. My friend Kirsten (who now lives in Belfast) came over in the afternoon with her two, Bailey and Freya. The kids all played nicely and we got to chat! Dunc came home and we had tea, kids went to bed, Dunc fell asleep on sofa while I watched Big Brother. Quite a dull day as the blog goes I guess.
PRAYER - a selfish one tonight - that all this yuk in my mouth and head clears up.


I know - I'm a failure already, it's not Monday morning and I have blogged since Friday night. Well, I always blog last thing at night and sat I felt too yuk plus I couldn't get the internet to connect and last night I had just watched 2 hours of 24 - the finale, and so went straight to bed.
So - Sat - not much first thing , then the Kinsley clan (Mum, Dad, Lyndon, Lisa, Lloyd, Becks and Elijah) joined us to celebrate the June birthdays with a BBQ. Lloyd's is the 3rd, Beck's is the 18th and Dunc's is the 22nd. Bit delayed but good. It was however, so hot we spent most of it inside. Then Dunc and I took Daisi to the hall, Jim Bailey was there for our YP Anniversary. Because I was talking at the back, I got dragged up and humiliated in a kinda funny-for-the-kids way. That'll teach me!!! Came home and watched tv.
Sunday - Dunc did the British 10k and did very well, he ran with his dad and his brother - I was supposed to be running with him but pulled out about a month ago. Couldn't fit in training with kids and I needed to be at the Army. Our morning meeting was ok and then we all went off to a nearby park for a corps picnic - very very hot, I stayed in the shade, but it was nice to spend social time with people. Came home and had nice family time. Had just got into my pj's early evening and the doorbell went, it was the couple buying our house with half their family wanting another quick look round, which we told them to do whenever they wanted - shame te place was a tip. Then snuggled up with Dunc to watch the series finale of 24, of course it ended with yet another twist so you know there'll be another series!!!
I'll do todays, tonight!!! Promise!!!